
Journey to get WebRTC working well in Safari

May 9, 2024 by Noah

A while back (February 2023) I built an open source webcam chat room for one of my side project websites.

It was very much designed to resemble those classic, old school Adobe Flash based webcam chat rooms: where it is first and foremost a text based chat (with public channels and private messages), and where some people could go on webcam and they could be watched by other people in the chat room, in an asynchronous manner.

It didn't take terribly long to get the chat room basically up and running, and working well, for browsers such as Chrome and Firefox - but it was a whole other story to get it to work as well for Apple's web browsers: Safari, and iPads and iPhones.

This blog post will recount the last ~year and change of efforts to get Safari to behave nicely with my chat room, and the challenges faced and lessons learned along the way.

Screenshot of BareRTC

Description of the chat room's features

First, it will be helpful to describe the basic features of the chat room and how I designed it to work, to set some context to the Safari specific challenges I faced along the way.

  • Users can choose to turn on their webcam and microphone and allow others on the chat room to watch them.
  • Users who are not on camera themselves are able to passively watch those who are (receive-only video streaming).
  • A pair of users who are both on camera are able to watch each other's videos if they want (two-way video streaming).
  • Each user can decide which cameras they want to watch - it is 'asynchronous' meaning the calls don't need to be two-way, and users can watch each other in any combination available.

There are a few other features on top of these, but the above are the basic fundamentals that are relevant to this story about getting this all to work on Safari.

The additional features include:

  • If a user isn't comfortable with their camera being watched by somebody who isn't sharing their own camera, they can restrict it and make their cam only available to people sharing their own too (so that they could have a chance to open your camera in return and see what you look like as well).
  • And there's an option for "when somebody opens my camera, I'll also open their camera automatically" - so if somebody who is on webcam clicks to see yours, their camera too will appear on your screen, making it an instant two-way call without you needing to separately open their camera back.

WebRTC Crash Course

The underlying web browser standard that allows videos to be shared at all is called WebRTC, which stands for "Web Real Time Communication." It is supported in all major web browsers, including Safari, but the devil is in the details.

WebRTC basically enables two web browsers to connect to each other, directly peer-to-peer, and exchange data (usually, video and audio data but any kind of data is possible). It can get two browsers to connect even when both sides of the connection are behind firewalls or behind a NAT (as 99% of regular home Internet users are).

For my chat room, it means that webcam data is sent directly between the chat users and none of it needs to pass through my server (which could be expensive for me to pay for all that bandwidth!).

It's a rather complex, and poorly documented, system but for the sake of this blog post, I will try and distill it down to its bare essence. The following is massively simplified, but if curious to dive in to the weeds on it, the best resource I found online is this free e-book: WebRTC for the Curious.

How WebRTC Basically Works

When two users are logged on to my chat room, and one wants to open the other's camera, the basic ingredients that make the WebRTC magic work includes:

  1. You need a signaling server which is just any server that's able to pass messages back and forth between the two parties, so that they can communicate and negotiate how they'll directly connect to each other.
  2. With the signaling server available, the two clients will pass messages back and forth to negotiate their connection.
    • You don't need to worry too much about this part: the web browsers know what they're talking about and they speak their own language, all your signaling server needs to do is pass these messages along.
    • The two important message types are Session Description Protocol (SDP) where the clients negotiate the features they want (video, audio, codecs support, etc.), and ICE Candidate messages where they negotiate how they'll connect to each other.
  3. The two browsers establish a direct connection between themselves, with possibly video and audio channels enabled through which they can transmit data: the video call can be established.

Signaling Server

The signaling server in WebRTC is much simpler than it sounds: it is really just any server you write which is capable of passing messages along, back and forth between the two parties who want to connect. It could be a WebSocket server, it could be based on AJAX requests to a PHP script, it could even be printed out on a post card and delivered by snail mail (though that way would take the longest).

For my chat room's use case, I already had a signaling server to use: my WebSockets server that drives the rest of the chat room.

The server side of the chat room was a WebSockets server, where users would post their chat messages and the server would broadcast those back out to everybody else, and the server would push "Who's Online" list updates, etc. - so I just added support for this same WebSockets server to allow forwarding WebRTC negotiation messages between the two users.

Terminology: Offerer and Answerer

There are a couple of important terms used in WebRTC that are not super intuitive at first glance.

The two parties of a WebRTC connection are named the Offerer and the Answerer.

  • The Offerer is the one who first decides to initiate the connection. They are "offering to connect" to the other user.
    • On my chat room: this is the person who clicked the button to open your webcam.
  • The Answerer is the other person: they see your offer to connect and they answer it.
    • On my chat room: the answerer is the one whose webcam is active.

Both the Offerer and the Answerer are able to attach data channels to their side of the connection. Most obviously, the Answerer will attach their active webcam feed to the connection, so that the Offerer (who wanted to watch it) is able to receive it and show it on their screen.

The Offerer is also able to attach their own camera to that opening connection, as well, and their video data will be received automatically on the Answerer's side once the connection is established. But, more on that below.

Things learned during the earliest prototype

So, going back to the original design goals of my chat room above, I wanted video sharing to be "asynchronous": it must be possible for Alice, who is not sharing her video, to be able to watch Bob's video in a one-directional manner.

The first interesting thing I learned about WebRTC was that this initially was not working!

  • When Alice created her offer to connect to Bob, she didn't request video or audio channels to be opened, because she was not sharing a video stream of her own on that connection.
    • So, even though Bob did add his video stream to his answer, Alice did not receive it because she didn't negotiate for those channels to be available.
  • However, if Alice turned her webcam on and she attached her video feed to the offer, then those channels were opened (because she would be using them herself), and she did receive Bob's video correctly then.
    • As a very interesting quirk: when this happened, Alice's video automatically opened on Bob's screen as well! Bob did not click to see Alice's video, and yet her video opened itself anyway, because Alice sent her video during the initial offer!

So the conundrum at first, was this: I wanted Alice to be able to receive video, without sharing her own video.

I found that I could do this by setting these parameters on the initial offer that she creates:

    offerToReceiveVideo: true,
    offerToReceiveAudio: true,

Then Alice will offer to receive video/audio channels despite not sharing any herself, and this worked OK.

But, I came to find out that this did not work with Safari, but only for Chrome and Firefox!

I learned that there were actually two major iterations of the WebRTC API, and the above hack was only supported by the old, legacy version. Chrome and Firefox were there for that version, so they still support the legacy option, but Safari came later to the game and Safari only implemented the modern WebRTC API, which caused me some problems that I'll get into below.

Safari Problems

So, in February 2023 I officially launched my chat room and it worked perfectly on Firefox, Google Chrome, and every other Chromium based browser in the world (such as MS Edge, Opera, Brave, etc.) - asynchronous webcam connections were working fine, people were able to watch a webcam without needing to share a webcam, because Firefox and Chromium supported the legacy WebRTC API where the above findings were all supported and working well.

But then, there was Safari.

Safari showed a handful of weird quirks, differences and limitations compared to Chrome and Firefox, and the worst part about trying to debug any of this, was that I did not own any Apple device on which I could test Safari and see about getting it to work. All I could do was read online (WebRTC stuff is poorly documented, and there's a lot of inaccurate and outdated information online), blindly try a couple of things, and ask some of my Apple-using friends to test once in a while to see if anything worked.

Slowly, I made some progress here and there and I'll describe what I found.

First, Safari couldn't log into my chat room AT ALL

The first problem with Safari wasn't even about WebRTC yet! Safari did not like my WebSockets server for my chat room.

What I saw when a Safari user tried to connect was: they would connect to the WebSockets server, send their "has entered the room" message, and the chat server would send Safari all the welcome messages (listing the rules of the chat room, etc.), and it would send Safari the "Who's Online" list of current chatters, and... Safari would immediately close the connection and disconnect.

Only to try and reconnect a few seconds later (since the chat web page was programmed to retry the connection a few times). The rest of the chatters online would see the Safari user join/leave, join/leave, join/leave before their chat page gave up trying to connect.

The resolution to this problem turned out to be: Safari did not support compression for WebSockets. The WebSockets library I was using had compression enabled by default. Through some experimentation, I found that if I removed all the server welcome messages and needless "spam", that Safari was able to connect and stay logged on -- however, if I sent a 'long' chat message (of only 500 characters or so), it would cause Safari to disconnect.

The root cause came down to: Safari didn't support WebSocket compression, so I needed to disable compression and then Safari could log on and hang out fine.

So, finally on to the WebRTC parts.

Safari supports only the New WebRTC API

Safari browsers were able to log on to chat now, but the WebRTC stuff simply was not working at all. The Safari user was able to activate their webcam, and they could see their own local video feed on their page, but this part didn't involve WebRTC yet (it was just the Web Media API, accessing their webcam and displaying it in a <video> element on the page). But in my chat room, the Safari user was able to tell the server: "my webcam is on!", and other users would see a clickable video button on the Who List, but when they tried to connect to watch it, nothing happened.

So, as touched on above, WebRTC is an old standard and it had actually gone through two major revisions. Chrome and Firefox were there for both, and they continue to support both versions, but Safari was newer to the game and they only implemented the modern version.

The biggest difference between the old and new API is that functions changed from "callback based" into "promise based", e.g.:

// Old API would have callback functions sent as parameters
pc.setLocalDescription(description, onSuccess, onFailure);

// New API moved to use Promises (".then functions") instead of callback functions

The WebRTC stuff for Safari wasn't working because I needed to change these function calls to be Promise-based instead of the legacy callback function style.

Then, cameras could "sometimes" connect in Safari

By updating to the modern WebRTC API, Safari browsers could sometimes get cameras to connect, but only under some very precise circumstances:

  1. First, the Safari browser needed to turn its own local webcam on.
  2. Then, the Safari browser could sometimes connect to somebody else's camera, but only if that person had the option enabled "When somebody opens my camera, I also open their camera automatically."

This was rather inconvenient and confusing to users, though: the Safari user was never able to passively watch somebody else's camera without their own camera being on, but even when they turned their camera on first, they could only open about half of the other cameras on chat (only the users who wanted to auto-open Safari's camera in return).

This was due to a couple of fundamental issues:

  1. The option to set up a receive-only video offer was only available in the legacy WebRTC API (that offerToReceiveVideo: true option), which Safari did not support.
    • So the only way for Safari, as the offerer, could get a video channel open was by offering its own local video on that connection as well.
  2. However, by offering Safari's local video, it would force that video to open on the other person's screen. This is why I needed to limit it to only people who wanted to automatically open Safari's video, so that it appearing on their screen is expected behavior for them.

For a while, this was the status quo. Users on an iPad or iPhone were encouraged to try switching to a laptop or desktop PC and to use a browser other than Safari if they could.

And only if Safari initiated the connection

There was another bug on my chat room at this point, too: the Safari browser had to be the one to initiate the WebRTC connection for anything to work at all. If somebody else were to click to view Safari's camera, nothing would happen and the connection attempt would time out and show an error.

This one, I found out later, was due to the same "callback-based vs. promise-based" API for WebRTC: I had missed a spot before! The code path where Safari is the answerer and it tries to respond with its SDP message was using the legacy API and so wasn't doing anything, and not giving any error messages to the console either!

Safari only supported two-way video calls?

At this stage, I still had no access to an Apple device to actually test on, so the best I could do was read outdated and inaccurate information online. It seems the subset of software developers who actually work with WebRTC at this low of a level are exceedingly rare (and are all employed by large shops like Zoom who make heavy use of this stuff).

I had found this amazing resource called Guide to WebRTC with Safari in the Wild which documented a lot of Safari's unique quirks regarding WebRTC.

A point I read there was that Safari only supported two-way video calls, where both sides of the connection are needing to exchange video. I thought this would be a hard blocker for me, at the end of the day, and would fly in the face of my "asynchronous webcam support" I wanted of my chat room.

So the above quirky limitations: where Safari needed to have its own camera running, and it needed to attach it on the outgoing WebRTC offer, seemed to be unmoveable truths that I would have to just live with.

And indeed: since Safari didn't support offerToReceiveVideo: true to set up a receive-only video channel, and there was no documentation on what the modern alternative to that option should be, this was seeming to be the case.

But, it turned out even that was outdated misinformation!

A hack to allow Safari to "receive-only" videos from others

Seeing what Safari's limitations appeared to be, in my chat room I attempted a sort of hack, that I called "Apple compatibility mode".

It seemed that the only way Safari could receive video, was to offer its own video on the WebRTC connection. But I wanted Safari to at least, be able to passively watch somebody's camera without needing to send its own video to them too. But if Safari pushed its video on the connection, it would auto-open on the other person's screen!

My hacky solution was to do this:

  • If you (on Firefox) are on webcam, and you do not want to auto-open your viewer's videos, but your viewer gave you a video stream anyway: your page would just ignore their video, and not show it on your screen.
  • For Safari users, then: when they click to watch your video, they would always offer their local video too, so that from Safari's perspective, it was a "two-way video call:" Safari is sending video (which you ignore), and it receives your video in exchange.

But, this is obviously wasteful of everyone's bandwidth, to have Safari stream video out that is just being ignored. So the chat room would only enable this behavior if it detected you were using a Safari browser, or were on an iPad or iPhone, so at least not everybody was sending video wastefully all the time.

And then I bought a Macbook Air

Recently, I broke my old laptop on accident when I spilled a full cup of coffee over its keyboard, and when weighing my options for a replacement PC, I decided to go with a modern Macbook Air with the Apple Silicon M3 chip.

It's my first Apple device in a very long time, and I figured I would have some valid use cases for it now:

  • To be able to actually test my chat room in Safari first hand and debug this nightmare properly.
  • As an aside, to be able to release proper Mac ARM ports of my videogame side project, Sketchy Maze.

The first bug that I root caused and fixed was the one I mentioned just above: when somebody else was trying to connect in to Safari, it wasn't responding. With that bug resolved, I was getting 99% to where I wanted to be with Safari support on my chat room:

  • A user (on e.g. Firefox), who is not on webcam himself, is able to click and open a Safari user's camera and watch it (one-way video).
  • The Safari user (who is on camera themself) was able to open anybody else's video, even those who didn't want to auto-open Safari's back, by always giving them their video anyway and having them ignore it.
  • If the Safari user did open someone's video who wanted to auto-open theirs back, it would work as expected.

The only remaining, unfortunate limitation was: the Safari user always had to have its local webcam shared before it could connect in any direction, because I still didn't know how to set up a receive-only video connection without offering up a video to begin with. This was the last unique quirk that didn't apply to Firefox or Chrome users on chat.

How to actually set up a receive-only video channel in Safari

So, the other day I sat down to properly debug this and get it all working.

I had to find this out from a thorough Google search and landing on a Reddit comment thread where somebody was asking about this question: since the offerToReceiveVideo option was removed from the legacy API and no alternative is documented in the new API, how do you get the WebRTC offerer to request video channels be opened without attaching a video itself?

It turns out the solution is to add what are called "receive-only transceiver" channels to your WebRTC offer.

// So instead of calling addTrack() and attaching a local video:
stream.getTracks().forEach(track => {

// You instead add receive-only transceivers:
pc.addTransceiver('video', { direction: 'recvonly' });
pc.addTransceiver('audio', { direction: 'recvonly' });

And now: Safari, while not sharing its own video, is able to open somebody else's camera and receive video in a receive-only fashion!

No more hacks or workarounds needed!

At this point, Safari browsers were behaving perfectly well like Chrome and Firefox were. I also no longer needed that "Apple compatibility mode" hack I mentioned earlier: Safari doesn't need to superfluously force its own video to be sent on the offer, since it can attach a receive-only transciever instead and receive your video normally.

In retrospect, what actually were the issues?

There were really only two quirks about Safari at the end of the day:

  1. Safari only implemented the modern (Promise-based) WebRTC API.
  2. To set up a receive-only video channel for Safari, you needed to add transceivers to the WebRTC offer when the connection begins.

And that second bit ties into the first: the only way I knew initially to get a receive-only video connection was to use the legacy offerToReceiveVideo option which isn't supported in the new API.

And even in Mozilla's MDN docs about createOffer, they point out that offerToReceiveVideo is deprecated but they don't tell you what the new solution is!

Honorable mentions (related rants)

One of the more annoying aspects of this Safari problem had been, that iPad and iPhone users have no choice in their web browser engine.

For every other device, I can tell people: switch to Chrome or Firefox, and the chat works perfectly and webcams connect fine! But this advice doesn't apply to iPads and iPhones, because on iOS, Apple requires that every mobile web browser is actually just Safari under the hood. Chrome and Firefox for iPad are just custom skins around Safari, and they share all its same quirks.

And this is fundamentally because Apple is scared shitless about Progressive Web Apps and how they might compete with their native App Store. Apple makes sure that Safari has limited support for PWAs, and they do not want Google or Mozilla to come along and do it better than them, either. So they enforce that every web browser for iPad or iPhone must use the Safari engine under the hood.

Recently, the EU is putting pressure on Apple about this, and will be forcing them to allow competing web browser engines on their platform (as well as allowing for third-party app stores, and sideloading of apps). I was hopeful that this meant I could just wait this problem out: eventually, Chrome and Firefox can bring their proper engines to iPad and I can tell my users to just switch browsers.

But, Apple isn't going peacefully with this and they'll be playing games with the EU, like: third-party app stores and sideloading will be available only to EU citizens but not the rest of the world. And, if Apple will be forced to allow Chrome and Firefox on, Apple is more keen to take away Progressive Web App support entirely from their platform: they don't want a better browser to out-compete them, so they'd rather cripple their own PWA support and make sure nobody can do so. It seems they may have walked back that decision, but this story is still unfolding so we'll see how it goes.

At any rate: since I figured out Safari's flavor of WebRTC and got it all working anyway, this part of it is a moot point, but I include this section of the post because it was very relevant to my ordeal of the past year or so working on this problem.

Safari wasn't actually quirky after all

Early on with this ordeal, I was thinking that Safari's implementation of WebRTC was quirky and contrarian just because they had different goals or ideas about WebRTC. For example, the seeming "two-way video calls only" requirement appeared to me like a lack of imagination on Apple's part: like they only envisioned FaceTime style, one-on-one video calls (or maybe group calls, Zoom style, where every camera is enabled), and that use cases such as receive-only or send-only video channels were just not supported for unknowable reasons.

But, having gotten to the bottom of it, it turns out that actually Safari was following the upstream WebRTC standard to a tee. They weren't there for the legacy WebRTC API like Firefox and Chrome were, so they had never implemented the legacy API; by the time Safari got on board, the modern API was out and that's what they went with.

The rest of it came down to my own lack of understanding combined with loads of outdated misinformation online about this stuff!

Safari's lack of compression support for WebSockets, however, I still hold against them for now. 😉

Further Reading

If you ever have the misfortune one day to work with WebRTC at a low level like I have, here are a couple of the best resources I had found along the way:



There are 3 comments on this page. Add yours.

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poetnerd posted on May 19, 2024 @ 04:09 UTC

Quite the journey. Thanks for documenting it. What you said made perfect sense to me.

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Mark posted on August 6, 2024 @ 10:55 UTC

Thanks for the interesting story. I was a WebRTC developer a couple of years ago, and it has to be one of the most frustrating and over-complicated schemes I've ever had to fight with. I feel your pain!

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Sukhman posted on August 10, 2024 @ 12:57 UTC

Thank you so much for the one way video call solution. I was also adding a local video track and stopped it once the offer was sent. But the issue was that the camera permission was asked everytime, which was not desirable.

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