There are 94 comments on this page. Add yours.
Ah...I think it's a pretty-cool site, at least deserves a single piece of comment! Well done!
Cool site, many interesting solutions. Greetings from Polish
Yeh, u got some good articles and have some interesting rants, will read again.
Hey man found your site from back in the day. Nice to see you're keeping with Perl development! Cool site!
Your friend from back in the day,
nice website !
CER!! I found you, I used to be on bot-depot back in the day. (your unlikely to rememeber me, I just used to bug you about how to write simple subroutines for Juggernaught, lol!) Today I though, umm I wonder what noah is doing now so I tried to find your rainbow site, but it was down..the I found the this! :p
Hope your well!!
this site - muah!
Thx for the
a hug from toscany italy
Your article Trapping "Dumb Submitter Bots" saved my life. Thank you very much Kirsle!
Cool SIte, Man.. Keep it up. BTW thax for the MSDOS / WIN 3.11 VDI. Excellent work...
Neat site.
And you're really cute.
keep up the great work. and dig the site
i want to aasign font from web server so how to aasign please help me
Not bad at all, I'll visit again + many thanks for the 6.22 files, takes me way back.... now to get it running on my virtualbox.. :)
Great site, like the old dos stuff
Supporting all those who expose why we rant,from all your friends at you.
nice site
nice work ....
nice site ! i stumbled upon ur site, I def needed some info & tips so looks like i got plenty of reading to do....its all just a little overwhelming for me now but i will get it. thx again!
Great site!
I like the android x86 iso file :)
Great site really helped ...Thank You
I am happy once again to run 3.11 in dosbox, 99% of the games made for 3.1 run just fine in windows 7, but i still like playing with the old windows 3.11
I love the site, totally unique. As it's Perl, I'm sure the backend is rock solid too. Happy coding :)
Hello and thanks for the nice site and the good stuff! :-D
thanks for help
---- android 4.0 install in virtualbox
thanks, can u sen ur phone number please
Love this site, very interesting and sooo cool!!! Rants - I share the same views - From soccer Mom to Nanny state to Dictatorship
Thanks for the neat bash prompt generator! Lots of fun to play with.
Great site, lots of interesting and useful information.... and a guestbook! Now that takes me back :)
I don't usually use RSS feeds but this site I would subscribe to but no RSS I can see :(
Anyway I visited a few of your 'sponsors' to net you a cent or two.
Regards from England.
I actually do have an RSS feed, at I'm not sure why browsers don't display it anymore, I have the tag and everything (altho I may have used it wrong, not sure).
I thought Firefox used to show an icon in the address bar, but I haven't seen it in a long time. I suspect that feature had been removed a while back, for example Reddit has an RSS feed and Firefox doesn't let me know about theirs, either.
I guess I should add a prominent link for it somewhere. :)
Thanks. Either I missed it or it was hiding. It is quite clear now sitting next to the homepage link :)
Many thanks for your upload script written in Perl. Just - Great!
Thank you for this page. It was very helpful.
Thanks kido, great collection, add me on G+ whit +fernandosssantosquaresma
The Greatest Operating System
that has ever existed.
Before captchas ruined web 2.0, I used to use wfw3.11 and opera / lynx daily for near everything. Still intend to ;p
Thanks for the great ms-dos uploads, hard to fin this stuff these days :)
Thanks a bunch for your MS-DOS section. I was recently bitten by the urge to replay some of my old Ultima games, and your VDI image was a big help.
If I may, I'd suggest adding a blurb to your DOS/VirtualBox articles about the VBoxManage command being useful to convert VDI to VMDK format. DOS gamers will find this delightful, as VirtualBox does not support PC Speaker while VMWare Workstation does.
Thanks again for the effort you've put into this!
Thanks, cool things to make own library of great oldies to bring nostalgia :)
I remember when websites had guestbooks!
Thanks for the Minecraft Tip & Tricks!
Love the site, really cool to find a working 3.1 ...(I had 3.11 on a Hercules 286 back in the day)
Luv & Respect
Thanks for the ErrorGen. (O)
P.S. This is Microsoft Windows AB's mother. He is autistic and just loves your error generator. Thank you for providing a great introduction to computers/software engineering for him.
I think your CMS is good. nice work.
I love your site layout. It's so refreshing to see a design like this in 2015. It's a nice throwback to something I would have seen 10 years ago, yet it's still nice and responsive. Keep up the good work.
how can I show custom player death messages on screen in minecraft1.9 using command blocks and how can I activate them without redstone?
you're like a more sophisticated and handsome version of me! <3
Thanks alot.This is very helpfull when running oldass rss software for radios.I wish there were more people like you that like helping and sharing.Thanks again Julian.
Oh hai dood.
Nice website Noah, SUBSCRIBED! :)
well ,this frist comment for 2017 ;D
Many thanks for the Fedora-NetworkManager-OpenVPN article.
Really helped me to get to the bottom of why my openvpn setup (via NetworkManager) was not working and to fix it (had to copy the certificate to ~/.cert as mentioned)
Thanks again!
Hey man, thanks for keeping the file downloads alive!
What a fascinating site! I love the retro feel, back to "yesterdecade" for the web - and it's quite refreshing! I agree with your paradigms, it's nice to keep it simple! And like you, I'm considering just dropping off of facebook myself... never was into it myself. DULLSVILLE! :)
Amazing!!!!! thanks a lot for this!!!!!
i'm always ending up to this page with my projects. Thank you for this page and congratulations for engagement
Thanks for bringin back my memories with windows 3.11
Hi there! Nice site, thanks for the dos cdrom driver stuff, really useful!
Hey there! I found your site by searching for "dos windows 3.1 virtualbox image" in duckduckgo, and your site was number 1. You have a great website! Thanks.
nice website and thanks for doing that for the world.
I am owner of Harrison PC Solutions.
i am skilled techie for people's needs
Came here looking for a Windows Error Message generator, got exactly what I bargained for. Thabks. Also, greetings from Brazil.
Enjoying your nimbus port!
Way wow good times three to the fifth degree site.
I finally found your solution for Perl/Tk Transparent Window Icons, 12 years (!) after you wrote it and years after I first experienced this problem. Only found partial solutions till now. This is the first and only doc describing the problem in such detail and providing a working recipe. Thank you very much.
this website is cool
Hey, far out man! There actually are quite a few reasons other than just nostalgia and posterity to maintain old operating systems, and this one (MS-DOS) in particular -- old radio programming software (e.g. Motorola) for one; then there are the many games, some of which might otherwise have been forgotten (e.g. Astrotit, Redneck Rampage, et al).
Keep up the good work brother!
Awesome site, making my nostalgia tingle.
i want one of these someday. it looks really cool.
I love the old school vibe on this page. It really takes me back to the wild west days of the Internet. Don't change it!
Hi Noah, love your blog! Hope that you are doing well! Take care!
Hey, man ...
Thanks for the bash prompt generator... #3 on Google!
Sick website. I think we are similar people judging from your philosophies.
Cool website, came for an Error Generator and got so much more.
complimenti ottimo sito
Not even going to lie. I just wanted to sign the guestbook because not many websites have guestbooks anymore. 8/18/2021
Not even going to lie. I just wanted to sign the guestbook because not many websites have guestbooks anymore. 8/18/2021
Cool, very oldschool website. Wish I'd see that more often.
Hi People This thing is perfect I pranked my frend Ty very much
Hi People This thing is perfect I pranked my frend Ty very much
I found your site looking up "mms no data" and liked your retro layout. After skimming around, I have to say, I like what you stand for and look forward to sifting through your posts on my off time. From one nerdy bro to another, nice to meet you!
dont know yet
I found your site after I discovered that the windows error maker atom smasher is now sadly gone. Thanks so Much!
interesting site, found by chance (google really!)
Nice site found it while searching.
love your website! cool webzone. peace and love from australia :] xoxo
I used your Flask cookie decryption tool. Thanks!
I used your Flask cookie decryption tool. Thanks!
where is the flash alike chat system with old school design from 2000's , cant find it anymore ?
btw, love the site
where is the flash alike chat system with old school design from 2000's , cant find it anymore ?
It's on my git server here to check it out:
This website is amazing, so of course i should leave a comment! It seems like the Ask Me Anything page was removed :/ Five stars!
This website is amazing, so of course i should leave a comment! It seems like the Ask Me Anything page was removed :/ Five stars!
Hi! I think it's great that you're still running a website like this! I love it!
pretty chill page wish they had more example games that you can play with.
This website is amazing, so of course i should leave a comment! It seems like the Ask Me Anything page was removed :/ Five stars!