Apparently, Work Naked Day is a thing and it's today (first Friday of February).
...not that I really need an excuse to work naked.
I don't widely publicize it, on this blog especially, but one of the two major 'pillars' of my life (in terms of years invested), apart from chat bots and RiveScript is that I'm a nudist. I like to go naked around the house or (outside of pandemics) go to social nude events; it's not even a sexual thing, but about the freedom of not wearing clothes and all the benefits that come with that (body positivity, fostering good community in a social context, etc.)
In my ideal world, nudity would be normalized and you could be able to drive to the office and work naked and for others to not even really notice or care, and treat you the same as they do when you wear any other random outfit for the day. I have dreams about this exact situation sometimes, and they're always nice. Everybody has naked dreams, many find such dreams embarrassing, but not me -- my dream characters don't care and neither do I; apart from my clothing (or lack thereof) the 'story' of the dream is all the same as normal.
I'm also interested in spirituality topics in recent years, and a thing I often hear from people in those circles goes like this:
"The reason you don't know what you want is because you already have it."
I want to be able to work naked, and -- though it isn't exactly the way I envisioned it -- I already can. I've been working full-time from home since even before the pandemic, and with nobody here to see and with no risk of an HR complaint, I can work naked if I want to. For the odd video call I can throw on a T-shirt and "Donald Duck it" and otherwise get to work in the way that feels the most comfortable for me.
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That's actually pretty interesting! I would personally never be able to be a nudist (it's not like i'm self-concious about my body or anything, i just really like wearing multiple layers of heavy, warm clothing), but if it makes you happy and doesn't hurt anyone, then I frankly don't see the problem with it. As long as you don't freak out the neighbors, lol
love this! more normalizing nudity!