[noahp ~]$ Broadcast message from matts (pts/45) (Thu Jul 17 15:45:02 2008): stop putting crap on this box, we're at 100% usage Broadcast message from gregc (pts/2) (Thu Jul 17 15:45:50 2008): Your wall message, dirties my screen Broadcast message from matts (pts/45) (Thu Jul 17 15:46:08 2008): good Broadcast message from joels (pts/37) (Thu Jul 17 15:47:01 2008): is this how wall works? Broadcast message from noahp (pts/55) (Thu Jul 17 15:47:23 2008): People, use /usr/bin/sayto >.< Broadcast message from benl (pts/72) (Thu Jul 17 15:47:37 2008): STOP WALLING ME!!111one Broadcast message from matts (pts/45) (Thu Jul 17 15:47:45 2008): there is no '*' option in sayto Broadcast message from noahp (pts/55) (Thu Jul 17 15:48:01 2008): Where we're going we don't need *'s Broadcast message from carlof (pts/49) (Thu Jul 17 15:48:12 2008): looolloololoolllool Broadcast message from carlof (pts/72) (Thu Jul 17 15:48:13 2008): oh hai
From: Samy <samy@...> To: everyone <...> Date: Thu Jul 17 15:51 2008 Subject: wall Each time you wall on web11, you're disrupting 12 developers from working and possibly systems team or QA. Don't do this.
[noahp ~]$ wall Don't be a jerk Use hud, email, a phone, don't fing use this
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