I've made an update to my Rophako CMS that powers Kirsle.net: it now supports Markdown!
Blog posts can be either written in Markdown, or direct HTML (the old way). In Markdown mode, HTML is currently escaped from the post. I may change this and make it only escape HTML in comments if I find it to be a PITA in the future. ;) Oh, and emoticons still work (they're rendered after Markdown is done).
Markdown works in comments, too, but with some limitations, like I don't allow embedding images. Also, you can write entire pages on your site in Markdown. Just create a page named with a .md
file extension that contains Markdown code and it "just works" (there's a built-in markdown.inc.html
file in the default site that wraps your rendered document in your web design's layout).
Best of all, I'm using a handful of extensions to the Python Markdown module to enable a lot of Github style Markdown features, such as code highlighting. Here's a Python example:
def render_markdown(body, html_escape=True):
"""Render a block of Markdown text.
This will default to escaping literal HTML characters. Set
`html_escape=False` to trust HTML."""
args = dict(
lazy_ol=False, # If a numbered list starts at e.g. 4, show the <ol> there
"fenced_code", # GitHub style code blocks
"tables", # http://michelf.ca/projects/php-markdown/extra/#table
"smart_strong", # Handles double__underscore better.
"codehilite", # Code highlighting with Pygment!
"nl2br", # Line breaks inside a paragraph become <br>
"sane_lists", # Make lists less surprising
"codehilite": {
"linenums": False,
if html_escape:
args["safe_mode"] = "escape"
return markdown.markdown(body, **args)
I'll be revisiting all my old blog posts that have code pasted in them and reformatting them in Markdown for easier maintenance. My old way of pasting code in a blog post was to open the code in vim
, and then run commands like,
:let html_use_css=1
... which would output an HTML file that syntax highlights the code, and then I'd cut and paste all that junk into my blog. Blech. Markdown will be much cleaner. :D
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