Wanna see a Twitter Bootstrap site that doesn't look like a Bootstrap site? You're looking at one right now!
I've updated the web design for Kirsle.net to use Bootstrap, so now the site is more accessible to mobile browsers. Try resizing the browser window and see how the site reacts. On smaller screens, the left nav bumps to the bottom of the page and a button appears at the top that will scroll straight to the nav bar.
I made a few custom tweaks for my particular design though, because the fixed (non-scrolling) background image and the transparent backgrounds on the panels would cause rendering errors on Firefox for Android. So, when the screen is small enough to switch into "mobile mode", the background image becomes unfixed (so it will scroll away with the rest of the page), and the panels lose their transparent backgrounds.
I've also added a new section to my site where you can see past web designs of Kirsle.net and see how each design was typically an evolution of a prior one.
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