Use this online tool to easily create a favicon (favorites icon) for your site.
Note: GIF image support is a bit buggy because I was required to compile the Imager module manually after installing a handful of GIF libraries. The preferred format is PNG or JPG. PNG is a superior format to GIF anyway so just use that instead.
Options: These fields are optional. Your favicon.ico includes a 16x16 standard favicon size. Enable these optionsif you'd like to also use your icon for other purposes, such as use as a desktop icon for your computer. Your icon will be resized to match each resolution. Resizing works better when shrinking the icon than it doesexpanding it, so upload an icon that's as big as the largest icon size you want from below. Merge with a 32x32 desktop icon. Merge with a 48x48 large XP icon. Merge with a 96x96 large Vista icon.